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My grandson loves these binoculars.. they are very durable. I have a rough and tough grandson.
08. May 2022
Bought for 5yo because he wanted to use adult ones. These are sturdy and he likes them. I also discovered that I can use them to view the hummingbirds that fly around the feeders close to my porch. My full size binoculars were too powerful to see them close up. This binocular is win win for both of us!
08. May 2022
Kjøpt for 5 år fordi han ville bruke voksne. Disse er solide og han liker dem. Jeg oppdaget også at jeg kan bruke dem til å se kolibriene som flyr rundt materne nær verandaen min. Min store kikkert var for kraftig til å se dem på nært hold. Denne kikkerten er en vinn-vinn for oss begge!
08. May 2022
Barnebarnet mitt elsker denne kikkerten. Den er veldig slitesterk. Jeg har et røft og tøft barnebarn.
08. May 2022
Our grandchildren love these binoculars. They’re perfect for ages 3 and up. They’re very durable.
07. May 2022
This is a great gift for kids, grandkids. A quality child size set of binoculars. The multiple colors makes it easy to get more than one pair and that keeps the kids from wondering which one is theirs. They use them to bird watch and I believe they will last for many years of nature watching.
07. May 2022
Dette er en flott gave til barn, barnebarn. En høykvalitets kikkert i barnestørrelse. De mange fargene gjør det enkelt å få mer enn ett par, og dette hindrer barna i å lure på hvilken som er deres. De bruker dem til fugletitting og jeg tror de kommer til å se på naturen i mange år fremover.
07. May 2022
Våre barnebarn elsker denne kikkerten. De er perfekte for barn fra 3 år og oppover. De er veldig holdbare.
07. May 2022
These are perfect. They have better power and focus than some expensive sets. My Granddaughter loves the color Green so it was great that we could get them in the color she loves. My only qualm is that they list it as Boy binoculars. My granddaughter loves to look at birds and the golfers on the golf course off our back yard. We also play the toddler music Going on a Bear hunt. In this song, along with some others they sing "going to get my binoculars" She loves that she has her "own" binoculars.
06. May 2022
After buying a set for my nephew, I was impressed enough that I went back and ordered these for my daughter. She loves them and likes to take them when we travel so she can birdwatch. They have been dropped numerous times by her and her friends and still work as well as they did brand new. Great quality, great price, perfect size for kids (adults could use them too, but may be small for some).
06. May 2022