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Samlet vurdering 5   33
These are great! My kids will not put them down. I gave this to them before a surprise trip to the zoo and they were so excited! Well worth it. We got the green and the pink and they did not disappoint!
Great little buy! Great little buy!
12. May 2022
Disse er flotte! Mine barn vil ikke legge dem ned. Jeg ga dette til dem før en overraskelsestur til dyrehagen, og de var så begeistret! Det er verdt det .. Vi fikk den grønne og den rosa, og de skuffet ikke!
Flott lite kjøp! Flott lite kjøp!
12. May 2022
Got it for my daughters 10th birthday, she’s gonna be so excited as it was in her wish list. It’s a good size for her and she can carry it for all our outdoor activities. We got the pink color and it’s adorable and the clarity isn’t bad too.
11. May 2022
We have purchased binoculars for our kids in the past, and they were complete junk. These binoculars act like actual binoculars but are sized and designed for kids. My kids love them because they work! HIGHLY recommend purchasing these if your kids like observing things outdoors.
10. May 2022
Vi har kjøpt kikkerter til barna våre tidligere, og de var fullstendig useriøs. Denne kikkerten oppfører seg som ekte kikkert, men er designet for barn i størrelse og design. Barna mine elsker dem fordi de jobber! Anbefaler på det sterkeste å kjøpe denne hvis barna dine liker å se på ting utendørs.
10. May 2022
I purchased these binoculars for my 2 1/2 year old grandson. I thought he might enjoy watching the birds and squirrels from inside his home. Before I gave them to him, I wanted to be sure they were worth keeping. I was very impressed with the clarity. I have an old pair of binoculars but could see much better with this little pair. I can’t speak to the durability but I do feel the quality is good.
09. May 2022
Originally purchased these for my three-year-old son who is obsessed with my mother’s binoculars. I was pleasantly surprised when they arrived and seemed extremely durable. Upon using them we realized that they are actually very good quality. We love the grippy exterior for little fingers. I also love that they are on a break away lanyard, so it will keep my three year old safe. All in all we loved them enough to buy a second pair for our daughter. Now we don’t have to fight over one pair.
08. May 2022
Jeg kjøpte opprinnelig disse til min tre år gamle sønn som er besatt av min mors kikkert. Jeg ble positivt overrasket da de kom og virket ekstremt holdbare. Da vi brukte dem fant vi ut at de faktisk er av veldig god kvalitet. Vi elsker det grepsvennlige eksteriøret for små fingre. Jeg elsker også at de er på en knekkbar snor for å holde treåringen min trygg. Alt i alt elsket vi dem nok til å kjøpe et annet par til datteren vår. Nå trenger vi ikke slåss om et par lenger.
08. May 2022
Really pleased with this product. Gave it to my 6 year old grandson and he loves it! Already dropped it twice! No problems I feel it will hold up well under his 6 year old treatment. Great product!
07. May 2022
I purchased these binocs for my 5 year old granddaughter who was using a toy pair. She loves them and can see the birds she has been looking for! These are not heavy, easy to hold and focusing is not difficult. Thanks!
06. May 2022