• 804
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We took this camping with us. We wanted to see how they were at night especially for viewing stars. We are pleased with how they work. Day time photos with the phone attachment were incredible. Hopefully with a little practice, I will get better at nighttime photos- can't wait to take pictures of the moon.
Very cool monocular
17. May 2022
Vi tok med oss ​​denne campingplassen. Vi ønsket å se hvordan de var om natten, spesielt for å se stjerner. Vi er fornøyd med hvordan de fungerer. Bilder på dagtid med telefonvedlegg var utrolige. Forhåpentligvis med litt øvelse blir jeg bedre på nattbilder - jeg gleder meg til å ta månebilder.
Veldig kul monokulær
17. May 2022
We have three bird feeders in our back yard. The monocular telescope is easy to adjust and zone in on the birds when they consume our seeds. We had a second monocular telescope to compare this one with and this model is much easier to use. I also appreciate the sturdy storage case. Thanks!
16. May 2022
Vi har tre fuglehus i hagen vår. Det monokulære teleskopet er enkelt å justere og fokusere på fuglene når de spiser frøene våre. Vi hadde et andre monokulært teleskop å sammenligne dette med, og denne modellen er mye enklere å bruke. Jeg setter også pris på den solide oppbevaringsboksen. Takk skal du ha!
16. May 2022
In my opinion this was worth the money so enjoyable I keep it on my kitchen table next to the large windows for my backyard I live in farm area have a lot of trees on my property and all of them have bird feeders in them so I have the opportunity to take pictures and to check out birds and other animals that decide to come to eat perfect Great focusing clear as a bell outstanding
15. May 2022
The clarity, magnification, and low-lighting visibility with this monocular was better than with other, less expensive ones I had tried. Although I wouldn't call it "high-powered" like more expensive products, I do feel that I got a good value for it, especially at a discounted price. The monocular itself performed better than I'd expect at the price point; however, the phone attachment method and hardware was a little unstable and then broke after a few months of gentle, normal use. I still give it 5 stars because their customer service was great and took care of a replacement quickly and very effectively.
14. May 2022
This monocular is perfect for the shooting range. The set up for the remote shutter literally took seconds to set up. At the range the shoots I took were clear and in focus. While shooting at the 300 and 500 yard line, we were able to sight in with the use of this product easily with out walking to the targets to verify. I HIGHLY recommend this monocular for all outdoor use especially at the shooting range. It is a perfect shooters companion, well done 5 STARS
Great Product
13. May 2022
I am impressed with the quality of the Starscope Monocular by VivReal. Zoomed images are very clear and it is easy to focus. It is nicely packaged with accessories; smartphone holder, remote control, carry bag, tripod and cloth. I have a couple of tripods I will be using with it since the accompanying tripod is small and limited in its use. The smartphone holder takes time to get comfortable with. I haven't had a chance yet to get really good focused pictures with my iPhone. I am hoping with time I will get better at it. I primarily use the monocular for looking at birds and other wildlife. I look forward to many hiking adventures and trips to the mountains using my new monocular.
12. May 2022
Jeg er imponert over kvaliteten på VivReal Starscope Monocular. Zoomede bilder er veldig klare og det er enkelt å fokusere. Den er pent pakket med tilbehør; Smarttelefonholder, fjernkontroll, bæreveske, stativ og klut. Jeg har noen få stativer som jeg skal bruke med dette da det medfølgende stativet er lite og begrenset i bruk. Smarttelefonholderen tar tid å venne seg til. Jeg har ikke hatt en sjanse til å ta gode, skarpe bilder med iPhone ennå. Jeg håper jeg blir bedre på det over tid. Jeg bruker hovedsakelig monokulæren til å observere fugler og annet dyreliv. Jeg gleder meg til mange tureventyr og turer til fjells med min nye monokular.
12. May 2022
I bought this because it will attach to my phone for pictures and it's easy to use. Haven't had it long enough to know how the optics will hold up but it works as advertised and is easy to use. The tripod that comes with it is something of a joke because it's very small - if you want to use this with a tripod you need to invest in something far more serious than what the vendor is providing. Still, this is well worth the price and the size of the tripod is something of a minor issue. I'm happy with it and have no issues recommending it for your average user.
11. May 2022