• 459
Samlet vurdering 5   72
Great smart watch! I've tried several and have always been disappointed. It is very flat and always connects very quickly and reliably. The functions work correctly. Cooperation with the app is very good. The digits on the digital display are large and easy to see. The battery lasts a long time unlike other products. My wife is very happy. If it stays alive consistently, it would be the best smartwatch buy to date. Very good value for money. Absolute purchase recommendation!
15. May 2022
Basically, I run every day and I wish I had a smartwatch to measure my steps and lead a healthy life. Now with this waterproof smartwatch I can check my blood pressure, sleep hours and sleep quality which are very important to me. In addition, it has functions for music playback, call functions and time related functions (alarm clock, stopwatch).
15. May 2022
Fitnessklokken er perfekt gjengitt. Appen er kraftig og alle som er interessert i den bør lese denne selv. Appen kan tilpasses. Ulike varsler kan konfigureres. Alt fungerer jevnt og greit. Ledetiden er lang, mange dager. Etter 2 dager viser klokken fortsatt 95 prosent! Maksimal verdi! Armbåndet har en hurtigbyttefunksjon. Kort sagt, god gadget.
15. May 2022
Shipping was very fast, I am very satisfied with the watch, I mainly wanted it as a pedometer, which works very well. All settings were made in the mobile app, everything went well, and the other functions are also displayed perfectly. A great watch for the price, I can only recommend it.
Very good Very good
14. May 2022
Great smart watch! I've tried several and have always been disappointed. It is very flat and always connects very quickly and reliably. The functions work correctly. Cooperation with the app is very good. The digits on the digital display are large and easy to see. The battery lasts a long time unlike other products. My wife is very happy. If it stays alive consistently, it would be the best smartwatch buy to date. Very good value for money. Absolute purchase recommendation!
14. May 2022
The price performance ratio is very good. The watch connected to the app quickly and without complications and it does everything as advertised. You can see that you can get a good device at a reasonable price. Thanks to the manufacturers.
14. May 2022
Flott smartklokke! Jeg har prøvd flere og har alltid vært skuffet. Den er veldig flat og kobles alltid veldig raskt og pålitelig. Funksjonene fungerer som de skal. Samarbeidet med appen er veldig bra. Tallene på det digitale displayet er store og enkle å lese. Batteriet varer lenge sammenlignet med andre produkter. Min kone er veldig glad. Hvis den forblir i live konsekvent, ville den vært det beste smartklokkekjøpet ennå. Veldig god valuta for pengene. Absolutt kjøpsanbefaling!
14. May 2022
The watch is light and comfortable to wear. The battery is charged by a USB power supply and lasts for about 7-8 days after a full charge. What I like most is that the clock records how much sleep I've slept each day - how many hours I've been in deep sleep versus light sleep. Blood pressure is also displayed in the app. Pulse is also measured, which is displayed directly on the watch. As well as my daily steps and the kilometers traveled. Every day I set myself a goal of miles that I will walk to stay in shape. What I also like is that you can change the brightness of the clock in the app. At night, I set a low brightness level. During the day, on the other hand, I set the brightness level to the highest where you can still see everything just fine despite the sun shining. The watch even has a camera function. One click on the watch face and a photo is taken by the cell phone. I find the notification handy, so messages and WhatsApp are displayed directly on the watch. So you don't always have to take your phone out of your pocket - perfect! My conclusion: the watch offers everything a fitness watch should have at its low price. Compared to more expensive products, this watch can definitely keep up.
12. May 2022
I was pleasantly surprised, I didn't want to buy an expensive smartwatch right away because I was afraid that I wouldn't wear it that often, but I have to say this watch has all the functions and seems to be of high quality. I'm thinking of ordering one for my mom.
12. May 2022
Everything fits, the app is also useful.
12. May 2022